- General Overview
Higher Education institutions are mainly mandated to focus on teaching learning, Research and Community services. Research is a systematic way of collecting and analyzing data for seeking solution to problems, discovering new technologies and paving ways to development of a country. Research provides us with new inventions (technological methods, products, etc.) and to generate new knowledge to tackle problems. The existence of a number of disciplines diversified researchable culture and natural resources have created the opportunity to foster multidisciplinary, demand driven, problem solving and quality research. With these scenarios, we are committed to generate knowledge and information and disseminate the outputs of research and innovation to the end users to enhance economic growth and development.
The mere making of research as mandatory activity of the university is not sufficient for the attainment of the intended objective. It is also essential to have a document that provides directions for researchers. It is also essential to have a document that provides directions for researchers. To standardize research operations, formulation of a sound, clear and thoroughly worked out research guideline formulated to direct, organize, control and manage the overall research activities. The guiding principles of guideline for research process at JKU are derived from the research policy document of Higher Education Institutions. The guidelines are comprised of procedures that characterize the course of action selected to guide and determine the research direction at JKU. Accordingly, the guideline of JKU prepared to present a policy framework for the management, support and development of research at JKU, and provide a strategy on how to achieve the research vision and mission of the university.
- Research Vision of Jinka University
Jinka University aspires to be one of top fifteen Universities in Ethiopia by 2019 E.C and center of excellence through demand driven and rigorous researches and publications in Biological-and-Cultural Diversity.
- Research Mission of Jinka University
Undertaking demand-driven, problem-solving, and cutting-edge research, and disseminating generated and adapted knowledge for socio-economic development of the society
- Values and Beliefs
Jinka University has the following core values: such as
- Research culture
- Care for the community
- Our main resource is our human resource
- Efficient utilization of resources
- Quality and relevance of research
- Valuing each other
Internal Research Grant
Ongoing Research
Funding Opportunities
Sponsored Research
Center of Excellence