
Staff Meeting Day

A staff position is a position whose primary purpose is providing specialized expertise and assistance to line positions. Staff can also be defined by the type of people: technical or support. Technical staff are specialists, such as engineers and economists.
For Staff

Computational Science

A four-year college or university offers a bachelor’s degree. Programs that offer these degrees are called “undergraduate” schools. A “university” is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. … Some colleges are part of a university and are located on the university campus.
Feature News

Jinka University holds training for Librarians.

The training program was oraganized by the Library and Documentation Directorate in collaboration with Community Service Directorate of Jinka University, focuses on library Foundation, Classification, Catalog, Circulation and Book-Binding. The trainees included librarians from Jinka […]
Feature News

በጂንካ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ስለ ደቡብ ኦሞ ዞን ልማት ወርክሾፕ ተካሄደ

ግንቦት 19 ቀን 2011 ዓም በደቡብ ኦሞ ዞን የአርብቶ አደር ልማት ዙርያ በጂንካ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የጋራ ምክክር ተደረገ። በውይይቱ ላይ የተገኙት የጂንካ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከፍተኛና መሀከለኛ አመራር፣ የሰላም ሚኒስቴር ተወካዮች፣ የዩኤስ.ኤይድ (USAID) ልዑካን ቡድን፣ የደቡብ ኦሞ ዞን […]