Department of Chemistry
  1. Introduction

Nationwide need assessment survey was conducted using questionnaire and interview with employers,alumina,students, and staff members of higher  learning institutions.The aim of the survey was to make use of the collected feedback in design in relevant curricula for the B.Sc.program in chemistry.

The need assessment revealed that the following were major problems that need to be addressed to make the quality of the graduates to the level expected.

According to the result of the survey, graduates of the old curriculum of chemistry display:

  • Insufficient knowledge of chemistry,
  • Insufficient practical skills
  • Poor communicative skills
  • Poor desire for team work
  1. Aims, Goals and Objectives of the Program

2.1 Aims of the Program

The aims of undergraduate program in chemistry are:

  • in chemistry at University level through standard quality education;
  • To prepare students for pursuing further education;
  • To establish are search centered community where scientific research is undertaken; and

2.2 Goals of the Program

The major goals of undergraduate program in chemistry are:

  • To establish in students an appreciation of the importance of the chemical science in industrial,economic, environmental and social context;
  • To provide a basic education appropriate to graduates in chemistry;
  • To develop basic and practical skills in chemistry;
  • To develop the ability to apply the learned skills for solving practical problems; and

2.3 Objectives of the Program

The objectives of undergraduate program in chemistry are:

  • Produce skilled manpower of well Brained chemists capable of taking up positions in the growing demand of the various sectors of the economy such as various industries, and learning institutions, research institutions, as well as various environmental conservation endeavors of the country;
  • Disseminate knowledge in chemistry and related are as through active participation in related professional activities, such as Chemical Society of Ethiopia, Regional Networking,Workshops, Symposia and Publications;
  • Develop capabilities for the provision of consultancy and technical services as well as short term specialized training  to both public and private sectors ;and
  • To produce chemists who create job opportunities by applying the acquired knowledge and skills.
  1. Graduate Profile

Students who have completed an undergraduate degree in chemistry will have acquired an education at an advanced level,including:

  • Knowledge of chemistry
  • General intellectual and life skills and,
  • Values that equip them for employment, citizenship and lay the foundations for a lifetime of continuous learning and personal development.

3.1 General intellectual and life skills

  • Possess critical, conceptual and reflective thinking, intellectual openness and curiosity,creativity and originality,
  • Recognize when information is needed and locate, evaluate and use this information effectively.
  • An ability to access,identify,organize and communicate chemical knowledge effectively,
  • An ability to work independently as well as part of a team or group;
  • An ability to lead in the community,professional associations etc.
  • Perform qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis in chemical laboratories;
  • Work as quality controllers in industries;

3.2 Values

  • Value intellectual integrity, respect for truth and for the ethics of research and scholarly activity;
  • Demonstrate environmentally conscious attitude;
  • Conduct assigned and professional activities with integrity and professional ethics;
  • Contribute to the development of chemical industries with  other professionals;
  • Disseminate chemical knowledge;
  • Enthusiastic about scientific ideas, discovery and learning self-discipline and an ability to plan and achieve personal and professional goals;
  • Willingness to engage in constructive public discourse and to accept social and civic responsibilities;
  • Respect for the values of other individuals and groups,and an appreciation of human and cultural diversity;
  • An awareness of international and global dimensions of intellectual, political and economic activities, and behaving as a responsible citizen.
  1. Program Profile

Main aims of the program:

  • To provide students with abroad and balanced foundation of chemical knowledge and practical skills
  • To develop in students the ability to apply their chemical knowledge and skills to the solution of theoretical and practical problems in chemistry
  • To encourage originality of thought
  • To instill in students an appreciation of the importance of chemistry in an industrial,economic,environmental and social context