- Background of the Program
The agricultural sector greatly influences economic performance in Ethiopia. With a total area of about 1.13 million km2 and about 51.3 million hectares of arable land, Ethiopia has a great potential for agricultural development. However, only about 11.7 million hectares of land (22.8%) is currently being cultivated. Nearly 55% of all smallholder farmers operate on one hectare or less. The agricultural sector employs over 85% of the labor force, contributing about 43% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 90% of export income.
The country has diverse physical and social environments and a great diversity of tropical, subtropical and temperate climates, soil and vegetation. The variability in environmental factors has an important implication on the diversity of plants in the country. The elevations provide for temperature differences for growing several kinds of crops. A wide variety of crops are found growing in various parts of the country. In the highlands, where cool temperature prevails, Common temperate crops are grown. Many tropical and sub-tropical crops are also grown in low to mid altitudes of the country. The country is a center of origin and/or diversity for many plant species including several cultivated crops, such as coffee, sorghum, “teff”, durum wheat, finger millet, barley, “noug”, safflower, sesame, castor bean, faba bean, etc.
This program is designed to respond to immediate needs of the country to increase crop production and productivity, and thereby contribute to improve the livelihood of its people. The program aims at producing competent professionals who are well equipped with both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in managing all aspects of plant production and management in the Ethiopian context and, thereby to conduct various plant science related research and development activities, which can contribute to the country’s development program.
- Program objectives
The ultimate aim of the program is to improve crop production and productivity and ensure sustainable use of natural resources in the country, thereby contributing to improvement of the livelihood of the nation. Such a program seeks to produce competent professionals who are equipped with both academic and practical knowledge and skills in managing all phases of the crop production and management; and conducting various research and extension activities which can contribute to the development of the country and ensuring food security and self-sufficiency.
The specific objectives of the program are:
- To produce adequate and well trained manpower that will regionally, nationally and internationally contribute to generation, dissemination and adoption of improved plant production and protection technologies;
- To provide students with basic and applied knowledge of natural resources (soils, agricultural waters and forestry); and field, horticultural and industrial crops production and protection;
- To enable the students understand and comprehend problems in crop production and seek solutions through exposure to research, extension and management;
- To enable the students gain the skill and knowledge of proper management and conservation of natural resources and protecting the environment;
- To provide the students with the knowledge of handling plants and their products;
- To integrate training-research-extension to increase the efficiency of plant technology generation, dissemination and adoption by end-users and, thereby, contribute to the intended regional and national development;
- To enable students to conduct relevant research in plant science in problems that affect the region and the nations; and
- To provide professional services to the community and policy makers at large.
- Professional Profile
- Theoretical and practical study in plant sciences for three years
- Upon obtaining B.Sc. degree in plant science, the graduates will serve as a:
- Teacher or trainer, they will have a broad range of opportunities, varying from teaching in a university, development worker for Government organizations or NOG, as an extension worker, etc.
- Researchers, they can engage in research institutes, universities, and other higher learning institutes.
- Experts in public and private organization engaged in crop production
- Mangers in commercial farms, agro-processing and marketing agencies
- The graduates might also opt to take up their own business as a private investor or entrepreneur.
- Graduate Profile
Graduates of the department of plant sciences program are well equipped with knowledge, skills and attitude needed to:
- Promote and disseminate agricultural technology through training of farmers and extension worker
- Identify and analyses problems related to plant sciences and devise appropriate solutions
- Plan, implement, monitor and evaluate programs/projects related to plant production, protection and management in sustainable base
- Involve in research undertakings in the areas of crop production, crop protection, and natural resources
- Design and conduct trainings for specialized skill and knowledge in areas of plant sciences
- Assist policy makers and development practitioners on appropriate plant sciences and natural resources management techniques
- Generate self-employment, establish and mange private enterprises related to their profession and related fields.
- Involve in consultancy and advisory services in the field of plant sciences.
- Academic Requirements
5.1 Admission Requirements
Successful candidates as per the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education and the hosting university can be admitted.
5.2 Duration of Study
- 3 years for regular undergraduate program.
- 4 years for extension undergraduate program.
- 5 years for summer undergraduate program.
5.3 Graduation Requirements
- Minimum ECTS for graduation is a total of 180
- 0 or higher cumulative grade point average (CGPA) overall courses and No “F” grade in any course (s) taken.
5.4 Medium of Instruction
- The medium of instruction for the program is ENGLISH.
- Assessment and Evaluation
6.1 Mode of Assessment
Assessment is carried out both as a continuous process during course delivery, which constitutes
60% weight of the total mark and final exam, which constitutes 40%. The assessment methods involved are summarized as follow:
For theory part course work
- Continuous Assessment: quizzes, test, assignments
- Term papers
- Class activity/attendance
- Mid-exam
- Final exam
- For practical course
Laboratory and field reports
- Assignments
- Practical examinations
- Written examinations
- For research project, field practice and seminars
- Quality of paper presented
- Manner of presentation (confidence, personality, communication, etc.)
- Defending material presented