Department of Natural Resource Management

Natural Resources (NRs) are at the core of human civilization. They are engine for economic advancement and societal wellbeing. Everything we need and everything we use, as individual or society, in processed or unprocessed form are extracts of NRs. Indeed, they are our food, shelter, energy, medicine, raw materials, etc. The role and importance of NRs in economic development and societal wellbeing is nowhere else appreciated than in developing countries like Ethiopia whose populations are predominantly rural in structure and directly dependent on natural resources for subsistence.

Natural resources management forms part and parcel of sustainable development and is a systems approach (integrated-holistic approach) to managing our natural resources. This program in NRM attempt to address the biological, engineering, social, economic and policy related aspects of managing natural resources as an integrated system. The Natural Resources Management program thus prepares students not only to care for the land and water resources, but also to serve the people whose well-being depends on these resources. The program also provides an opportunity for students interested in managing society’s impacts on the environment and how to manage it for long lasting benefit.


2.1 Program Objectives and Competency Profile

Program Objectives 

The Objectives of the Department of NRM are:

  • To offer a up-to-date and multi-disciplinary education that produce competent and qualified professionals in NRM,
  • To strengthen Natural Resource Management effort through demand driven research and establish partnership with related development  partners (GO an NGOs) to promote sustainable Natural Resource Management  and  contribute towards improved livelihoods
  • Disseminate technological innovations generated in the course of education and research in NRM by using appropriate dissemination media/channel,
  • Provide technical advices, consultancy services and tailored short term training to development agents and other stakeholders working in NR and environmental areas,
  • Integrate teaching – research with extension activities so as to extend appropriate technologies generated through research,

Program outcomes

  • Sustainable management of the natural resources of Ethiopia insured through the provision of outstanding and contemporary education and research in NRM,
  • Contribution of NRs in economic development and improving living standards of rural community amplified,
  • New technologies, techniques and approaches in sustaining the management and utilization of NRs in Ethiopia developed and extended,
  • Awareness about the need for sustainable use and management of NRs and impacts of NR mismanagement (e.g. climate change, desertification, etc.) created, and
  • The relationships between legal and policy environments and their positive-negative impacts on NRM advocated.
  1. Professional and Graduate Profile
  2. 1 Professional Profile
  • Using their broad base knowledge in Natural Resources Management (NRM), coordinate and implement Integrated NRM projects and programs particularly at watershed level and also mediate cross-sectorial development initiatives,
  • Identify Natural Resources Management and environmental problems, and design cost effective, socially acceptable and environmentally sound projects and programs for mitigation and adaptation.
  • Develop, restore and manage various resources such as forests, soil, water, and wildlife particularly in an integrated manner, using watershed as a management unit, and introduce also various Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) strategies that can optimize the economic benefits from natural resources management interventions.
  • Carryout watershed management planning using various tools such as GIS, ground surveying and Remote Sensing (RS) and by applying Land Use Planning (LUP) principles.
  • Provide consultancy and advisory services to local communities, investors and development actors working in the areas of Integrated NRM Carryout small to medium scale NRM related researches to provide solutions to locally emerging problems.
  • Reinforce the reality that maintain and sustain natural resources, and ensure environmental quality.
  • Think critically, communicate, cooperate and solve problems from an interdisciplinary perspective.

3.2 Graduate Profile

The B.Sc. graduates of the NRM program at their graduation will be:

  • Competent in the principle, techniques and inventorization of stocks and distribution of Natural Resources and the opportunities they offer for socio-economic developments and environmental integrity

3.3 Professional and Graduate Profile

3.3. 1 Professional Profile

  • Using their broad base knowledge in Natural Resources Management (NRM), coordinate and implement Integrated NRM projects and programs particularly at watershed level and also mediate cross-sectorial development initiatives,
  • Identify Natural Resources Management and environmental problems, and design cost effective, socially acceptable and environmentally sound projects and programs for mitigation and adaptation.
  • Develop, restore and manage various resources such as forests, soil, water, and wildlife particularly in an integrated manner, using watershed as a management unit, and introduce also various Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) strategies that can optimize the economic benefits from natural resources management interventions.
  • Carryout watershed management planning using various tools such as GIS, ground surveying and Remote Sensing (RS) and by applying Land Use Planning (LUP) principles.
  • Provide consultancy and advisory services to local communities, investors and development actors working in the areas of Integrated NRM
  • Carryout small to medium scale NRM related researches to provide solutions to locally emerging problems.
  • Reinforce the reality that maintain and sustain natural resources, and ensure environmental quality.
  • Think critically, communicate, cooperate and solve problems from an interdisciplinary perspective.

3.3. 2. Graduate Profile

The B.Sc. graduates of the NRM program at their graduation will be:

  • Competent in the principle, techniques and inventorization of stocks and distribution of Natural Resources and the opportunities they offer for socio-economic developments and environmental integrity
  1. Graduation Requirements

 According to the rules and regulations of the university, students in this program will be able to graduate if and only if:

  • They complete a minimum of 110 Credit hours course or 180 ECTS
  • They attain minimum CGPA of 2.00 and better  on major courses and
  • Over all courses No “F” grades in any course they have taken
  1. Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction for the program is ENGLISH


The nomenclature of the degree in the program is:

In English Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.) in Natural Resources Management


7.1. Mode of Assessment 

7.1.1 Theoretical part of the course work

  • Quizzes and assignments
  • Project works
  • Final semester Examination

7.1.2. Practical part of courses

  • Laboratory reports/ field reports
  • Practical examinations
  • Written examinations

 7.1.3. Research projects, field practice and seminars

  • Quality of paper presented
  • Method and style of presentation