Students Affairs Directorate

Student Affairs Directorate

As administrative body of the university, the director of student’s service shall be appointed by the president and shall be accountable to the vice president for administrative.

Student affairs directorate as an essence works to fulfill holistic welfare of the students who are registered in the university be it in the regular, distance and continuing or graduate programs. Typically, the office provides food and boarding services and follows the provision in accordance with the university’s guidelines. Even though the provision of food and boarding are the core jobs of the office, the office also: ensures the physical and psychological well-being of students, arrange sports and recreational activities for students, solicit and administer funds and provide financial aid for needy students, including administration of student’s stipends, par-time employment and cost-sharing programs

Not only the above ones, student service directorate will ensure the chartering and registration of all students’ organizations in accordance with the provisions of this and any other relevant laws of the country. Moreover, the office also determines whether there is sufficient ground for disciplinary proceedings and implements disciplinary decisions of units of the university empowered to entertain disciplinary matters.

Hence, one can conclude that student affairs directorate director paves the way and creates comfortable ground for the teaching-learning go smoothly and effectively.