The Office of the Vice President for Administration and Student Services is accountable to the President with responsibilities in providing a clear policy document and guidelines for JKU budget, procurement & finance, facility management, property administration, student services and affairs management and in general, administers, initiates and implements programs, and services that will enhance the business opportunities of the University.
According to the new organizational setup of the University, an office with a mandate of administering university resources (human, financial & property) and managing all student services and affairs was established and the name of the office has been changed from Business & Development Vice President to the Office of the Vice President for Administration & Student Services.
Administrative/ Support Staff refers to personnel of the University employed to provide administrative, business management, accounting, catering, dormitory services, health care of students, co-curricular activities, maintenance, facility management, property administration, and other services including coordinating and facilitating services that are needed by top management, colleges, and departments/schools/centers to discharge their duties and responsibilities in line with the main functions of the University.
The Office of the VPASS has duties and responsibilities to:
- Plan, organize and coordinate all activities of budget, finance, procurement, property administration, human resources management & development, and student services and affairs of the University;
- Play a leadership role in administrative and student service areas in particular and in the collective decision bodies of the University in general;
- Design and implement an automated system for all activities performed under the Office so as to ensure an effective and efficient service delivery in all areas of responsibility;
- Follow up and ensure the effective implementation of the redesigned processes which fall under the Office’s areas of responsibilities;
- Set up standard performance and evaluation systems which embody corrective schemes;
- Work towards cultivating good governance and diversity and tolerance in the day-today activities;
- Formulate and recommend working procedures based on approved policies of the University and enact upon approval by the authority concerned;
- Prepare and implement funding formula to allocate budget for all budget centers and ensure that each budget and cost center secures its budget based on the formula;
- Design and implement appropriate resource utilization modalities;
- Promote and support multiculturalism, equity, tolerance, affirmative action for females and students with special needs;
- Provide the necessary support to Students’ Union to further strengthen it;
- Prepare codes of conduct for students and support staff and implement it upon approval;
- Prepare an exhaustive quarterly report on the Office’s areas of responsibilities, evaluate the same with subordinates and submit the approved report to the president;
- Build an in-house maintenance capacity for all kinds of properties, including vehicle, electronics, and kitchen appliances; and prepare a disposal mechanism for those materials which cannot be used by the University anymore;
- Design and implement an efficient procurement system, which ensures that the money paid to purchase goods and services across the University has equivalent value;
- Design and implement an accessible grievance handling system;
- Perform activities, which appear essential and are given by the President.
The following Offices will directly report to the VPASS:
- Finance Directorate
- Facility Management Directoate
- Human Resource Administration and Development Directorate
- Procurement Directorate
- Property Administration Directorate
- Students Services Directorate
- Transport and Vehicle Maintenance Director Office